Thursday, July 15, 2010


Go find a mirror. If it takes you a few minutes, that's okay. There has to be a mirror somewhere!

Now- take a good long look in the mirror. Find one thing that you've never noticed about yourself before. Write it down or write a comment on the blog about it...

While you're looking in the mirror (don't stop!), answer these questions.

Who is this prson that I'm looking at?

What am I like?

Who are my parents and what are they like?

Why am I alive?

One more question... keep looking in that mirror... who do I belong to?

That's one of the most defining questions you'll ever be asked. Ask any professional sports player, and they'll answer you with the name of their team. Why? Because they belong to their team, and that defines everything about their life. So who might you belong to at this point in your life? Here are some options. See if any apply- even in a small way.

Your parents or family. Maybe you're under the ultimate care and control of your parents. That's not necessarily a bad thing, either.

A significant other (boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse). You might like it- at first- especially if they are really cute.

Something like a sport, hobby, or job. Example: "I work a lot because I really enjoy it." Or "I'm not just playing soccer. Really, the soccer schedule is controlling my life."

Yourself. Maybe you belong to no one but yourself.

There could be other categories for you. Take a few minutes and reflect back on what you've just read. What does that say about who you really are- right now?

The answer to the question of who you belong to sort of sets the "edges" around your life. It defines the boundaries that you won't go past. And when you do go past them, it guides you back to where you should be.

Maybe it's not about who you think you belong to, but rather who knows you belong to them. If you are a Christian, you are a child of God. Read John 1:12-13.

Now consider these questions:

Based on what I just read, am I a child of God? why or why not?

Try to describe what it was like when you were "reborn" of God.

Do you feel like being a child of God is a burden or a privilege?

How would my life look different if I lived like a full-time child of God?

More time? Read Ephesians 2:4-10. What does that passage say about who you are?

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